目前分類:Sophie's Notebook (15)
- Dec 25 Sun 2022 05:20
- Jul 02 Sat 2022 03:24
我的小學畢業感想 🎓
哈囉大家好我是豆丁書扉! 今年(2022年六月)我從我的小學學校 Knapp 畢業,將要進入國中七年級!我從幼稚園開始就覺得能夠畢業是一件很酷的事,所以一直在等今年。但是現在長大了,真的要畢業了⋯就會開始有不一樣的想法了。雖然我是真的很期待國中可以加入社團與有各種新的發展機會,但是我從七年前就一直在一樣的學校,所以就變成現在要跟老師離別很難過、痛苦、與困難。那些好笑的老師、好玩的老師、有趣的老師、令人感動的老師⋯我們的時間就到此結束。跟我的小學老師分開之後,我不久就要去國中面對一大堆我不認識的老師——因為我很不愛接觸陌生人,所以這點令人慌張的很。除了跟老師離別之外,因為到國中會依照能力來分級,所以就變成可能也得跟好朋友分開呢——如果這樣,就會少了一些能夠幫助我渡過難關的人,國中會更加艱難啊!還有,因為我是家人之中最大的而且也是在街上一起玩的朋友圈裡最大的,所以我非常了解:你年紀越大就會越來越必須忍住你的眼淚,來幫忙安慰別人的淚水。這也不是一個說明好的規定,但是感覺這個討厭的事實就像是空氣一般懸在空中。因為大人們總是說,「你已經OO歲了呀」、「你已經上OO年級了呀」這種話,所以就讓我對長大那個興奮的感覺之中,也會有點厭倦的感覺呢。與似乎,當我在跟朋友慶祝我們即將升上國中的這一步,我也同時在暗中擔心——這樣的話,在國中會遇到的事情應該會造成更多的激烈情緒,但是卻因為會被人說「你已經上七年級了呀」,所以又得忍住⋯唉!真是的!現在真的要畢業了,才會去想這些可能比較負面的事情啊😥!
- Nov 23 Sat 2019 09:41
哈囉,我的名字叫陳書扉,然後我今天要告訴各位關於我對新出來的電影Frozen 2的感覺。如果要整體來說的話,我還覺得蠻不錯的,雖然中間有非常悲傷的事情發生,但是之後又有開心的結局(說真的,我敢看的電影也只有那些猜得出來會有好結果的,我實在太膽小了)。如果不想要先知道故事,請先別看下面,因為我等一下會告訴大家Frozen 2的故事唷!
- Oct 22 Tue 2019 07:12
Hello, my name is Sophie Cheng, and today I'm going to tell you what I think about the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island, Bahamas.
- Jul 31 Wed 2019 21:23
2019 台灣旅遊記
- May 20 Mon 2019 21:26
My Field Trip To The Adventure Aquarium! By:Sophie Cheng
Hi, my name is Sophie Cheng. I live in Lansdale, PA. Today I'm going to tell you about a field trip that my class took. We went from my school, Knapp Elementry, to the Adventure Aquarium in NJ. Anyway, here's how the whole thing got started. On the day before the field trip, Mrs.Middlekauff (my teacher)anounced the groups. I got in the, litterly, BEST GROUP EVER ! I had a group with my two best friends that are on my class (my very best friend, unfortunatly, wasn't in my class when we started third grade)! The only bad part about it was that there were two autistic students. I mean, I don't exactly don't like them, it's just that. . . they make noises that are a little weird . . . and they sometimes turn off the lights in our classroom . . . and they talk a little weird too! When I got to school the second day, it was kaotic! The grown-ups were puting wrist bands onto our hands, they're were parents hanging around everywhere, and everyone was hanging around talking to each other! Announcements were not long-gone when we were out the door and ready to roll! On the bus, I talked with my friends. The autistic kids were on the other bus that carried Mrs.Berlanda's class, so we didn't have to worry about them. On the bus, I talked with my friends. We talked about our languages, our fears, ect. We even talked about creepy, creepy, creepy bugs and spiders ! When we got to Phelidelphia, the teachers told us. I saw my dad's work office in the distance, if, when we were driving back from a trip, I had saw the right building that my dad tried to point out to me. They also told us when we got to the deleware bridge,but Nadia noticed it before the teachers told us(and I was the one next to the window)! Then the teachers said that we could see the Adventure Aquarium from here, and Nadia and Foazia spotted it since they're closer to the other side, but I only thought I saw it at the last moment. When we got to the aquarium, we walked down the school bus. It was CHILLY! Then, we gathered together to take a class photo (Mrs. Middlekauff LOVES taking photos) even Kenji and Rafe (the that people) had to come to. Then we had to get in line to get into the aquarium. Then we were finnaly able to get into the aquarium. First, Nadia's mom (our chaperone) asked us about going to see the penguins. I went crazy but the others just said "Sure!" and we went. When we got to see the penguins, me and Foazia went crazy, Nadia just looked, and Mrs. Popek just waited for us to look enough. Foazia stopped going crazy when we went back in to see some other animals, but I still was. When we got back inside, I stopped going crazy because now that excitment was going with all of us to see the hippos. The hippos were GIGANTIC. and we could see them even from a downward window. I even thought that we saw that kind of little fish cleaning the hippo's backs! Then, me and Nadia wanted to go to the shark bridge, so we went down. On the way, we saw lots of kinds of jellyfish. We also saw some urchin exhibits, and there was this octupus, but we couldn;t find it because it was hiding so well. Finnaly we got to the shark bridge, but there was a problem for me and Nadia. Foazia was too scared because she was such a scaredy cat, and Rafe had to go to the toilot so me and Nadia couldn't do the shark bridge . I could feel my whole face turning red with dissapointment as we (well, I mean me and Nadia) walked back down the hallway. I had been so excited, and Nadia had too. We were talking about it on the bus, we heard that it was really fun from another group in our class that went on it. Just SO dissapointed . Once we found the bathroom, Rafe and someone else in our group (I forgot who it is) went in. Me and everyone else that were waiting took a sip of water. Then, I started playing chopsticks with Foazia. When we were all done with the bathroom and the water drinks, everyone agreed that it was probably time for the snack Mrs. Middlekauff had told us we could have. We had all brought our own money, but Mrs. Popek decided that she would buy popcorn and we wouldn't have to spend money. I was a little dissapointed that I couldn't get what I wanted, but I was happy that I didn't have to spend my money. Mrs. Popek even asked us if we wanted juice, but me and Foazia said no. I said no because 1.I didn't like juice. 2. It would be embarrasing to have someone that I'm not very fammiliar with buy everything I want. So we buyed popcorn and ate it. While we were sitting and eating, I heard Mrs. Popek talking about how many injuries Nadia has had ( Nadia had fractured her leg near that time, so I guess that was why Mrs. Popek took up this to talk about). Then, we decided that sitting here to eat was too slow, so since Nadia had finished her juice, we decided that we would eat the popcorn while we walked and saw all the fish. So we kept on walking. Even though this was an aquarium, but guess what we saw! A cookobara (sorry, I'm not very good at spelling the name because I never saw its name, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, just see what word the arrow points to and it will give you the answer)! It is a bird that lives in Australia, I think, because when we heard about it in a CD, we were hearing the Australia song when it got pushed into the lyrics. Then, it was about time for third grade to meet up, so we went to the bathroom. This time, EVERYBODY had to try to go because we were going to ride on the bus without any stops until we got to the school, so the people that didn't need to go had to go to for an "in case". When everyone was done with drinks and toilots for round 2, we met up in the spot that our class was going to meet up in. I saw a penny smasher and one of those places where you can get photos. We got so bored while waiting that someone even suggested making a penny. But we all knew what Mrs. Middlekauff had said no souvineers, so we just stood there. Finnaly, our class came down the escalator. Then we went out to wait for our buses to come and pick us up. This time, it was taking so long to get on the buses. Finnaly someone spotted our buses, and we walked over. Once we got on the bus and it started to drive, things were really different from what had happened on the first bus ride. First, we just tiredly sang songs that are going to be in our spring concert. Then, I tried to take a little nap from how tired I was, but I couldn't because that was when bad part struck-Nadia tickled me everywhere and I had to control my screams and I also had to try to get my screams to reach the ears of the teachers. She even pulled on my hair. Thank god that Mrs. Popek had heard us and ordered her to stop. Then we tried a game that was about trying not to laugh or smile, but I was ALWAYS the first one out. Then mostly I did nothing but sit there and start to feel dizzy . Finnaly, we arrived back at school. My head was pounding by then, and my stomach was tumbling around, but since we were not on the bus anymore, I started to feel better, little by little. When we got to the classroom, EVERYONE got their lunch right away and began to eat (we were not eating lunch at the aquarium, so we had to wait until 2:00 to get back to school and eat). Also, even though this wasn't a suprise to us because she had told us she would do this yesterday, Mrs. Middlekauff put on a magic school bus videp for us to watch while we were eating lunch. After the video ended, Mrs. Middlekauff let us finish up our lunch, trash it, and then have a mini talk time. Everyone was talking about the shark bridge, which made me feel more embarassed . But things always get KAOTIC if Mrs. Middlekauff says we can have talk time, and this time, it got kaotic meaning KAOTIC. Someone tried to lead the whole class to do wierd poses that I couldn't keep up with if I had tried to join in anyway:warning number 1. Someone sneakyly gets out a cromebook:warning number 2. Someone keeps on making the class do wierd poses that I coudn't keep up with if I had tried to join in anyway plus that someone who got a cromebook searching up you tube:cromebook away, whole class sit down, whole class get scolded from teacher. Then, Mrs. Middlekauff said that we would work on fun sheets, but first we had to finish something, drawing our own aquarium! Then, we went out for recess, as normal. After recess, we kept on working on the fun sheets. Then I almost finished a word search, but we had to pack up and get ready for dismissal (at home I finished it, by the way). As I climbed onto my mom's car, I knew that this would be a day that I wouldn't forget soon.
- Apr 01 Mon 2019 04:30
為什麼我愛漫畫。 作者:書扉
哈囉,我的名字叫書扉,然後我今天我要跟你說為什麼我愛看漫畫。首先我要告訴妳為什麼喜歡我家的數學漫畫。我愛的原因是因為我其實不像其他小孩,我是喜歡數學。所以我才喜歡看那些漫畫。關於doraemon 漫畫嘛⋯⋯好吧,有比一個更多的原因。一個原因是因為在漫畫裡有些漫畫非常好笑。另外一個原因是因為這些故事的段落沒有很長、所以可以很快的唸完。為什麼我愛《紅豆綠豆碰》這個系列是因為那些漫畫裡面有些關於生活的教育。為什麼我愛《博物館大冒險》是因為那些漫畫裡面的角色也是紅豆妮、綠豆兵、Why博士、小米豆,大鋼豆,和黑豆妞。我愛那一套漫畫的原因也是因為那些漫畫中有關於一個地方的知識。關於為什麼我喜歡《漫畫名人堂》、是因為裡面有關於一些人的生活環境。有時候也有一個教訓。為什麼我喜歡Snoopy 漫畫是因為我覺得有些段落真的很搞笑。他的圖畫也非常可愛,從我的角度來看的話。當然、還有其他的原因我喜歡看漫畫。不過,我希望你跟我一樣、也愛看漫畫。說不定我們可以做朋友喔。
- Mar 19 Tue 2019 03:11
My Trip to Denver 2019 By:Sophie
Hello, my name is Sophie Cheng, and I live in Landsdale. From 2-15-2019 to 2-18-2019 our whole family went on a trip to Denver! On the first day of our trip, we went off to the airport. We went to a small children's play area once we got through the check in and the security gate. There, we met a little girl. I"ll tell you this, was that girl rude! She demanded us to do things like if she were the queen of England! She would command Yasmine to do things while she would go have her shoes tied or get a sip of water! She tried to command me to do things too! She called us like this:"Girl,do that!" or "Girl,get over here!" and stuff like that. When some other kids came, she even demanded Yasmine to gaurd a part of the playground because they were pretending that it was they're house! I mean,it's just pretend! What a very selfish kid! Anyway, we boarded a plane that took off at about 1:30. On the plane, we ate bagels and bananas. Snack time! We also had 2 periods of screen time. I tried out my dad's way of playing Sudoku. It worked ! I got the whole thing done with only 1 mistake! The same thing for the next time! I can't beleive it! When we got to Denver, I saw something very different about the baggage claim. There was a tall, long baggage claim that I saw had skis on it. Then, we rented a car and went to our hotel. For our dinner, we went to the California Pizza Kitchen. Good night!
- Feb 21 Thu 2019 21:56
Our Trip to Taiwan 2018 by Sophie
My name is Sophie.This year we went to Taiwan.Even though Tiawan was supposed to be sunny, hot,and full of fun,but this time it was rainy,warm,as for fun…okay.At first when we got to Tiawan we always slept from 1:00-10:00.After we were used to the time,we looked for dentists,optometrists(eye doctors),doctors, and blah blah blah blah blah.I also learned how to play inline roller skates,I went bowling with my uncle Jack and my grandpa,plus I walked around City Hall with my other grandpa.In the middle of all that,we also ate treats and got together for eating with family.Even though the times where we all got together only had one time.Plus,after my dad came to Tiawan for four days,we went to Japan!I probaly will talk about that.I hope this paragraph is very intresting to you.
- Dec 29 Sat 2018 23:28
My Christmas 2018 By Sophie Cheng
Hello,my name is Sophie,and I live in Lansdale. We go to my cousin's every holiday to celebrate Christmas (though we sometimes also go in the summer). This year,when we went,we had to drive more then 3 and a half hours.When we got there, I got to meet my new cousin. Her name is Josephine,and she is 1 month old. At night,and I don't know how it got started,but we ended up playing "Chase Each Other Around The Kicthen". After dinner,my aunt cooked sesame rice balls for us to eat. They were SO YUMMY! Then we went to our hotel.
- Oct 21 Sun 2018 09:38
My Third Grade By,Sophie Cheng
Hello,my name is Sophie. I live in Lansdale,PA. I learn at a school named Knapp. At Knapp,all the teachers and staff are very nice to us. We also host a lot of events that we can all come to,no matter what age we are (even though a tiny bit of them do require some age). In third grade,my teacher is Mrs.Middlekauff.She is kind and LOVES the Phillies. My best friend,Rayan,is in Mrs.Berlanda's class. In third grade,we have crome books. NO ONE in my class does not like crome book time FROM THE START of school (well,maybe for me,in the beginning). In third grade,we go to the big kid playground for times that we go outside for recess. In my classroom, the room is full of baseball decorations,Phillie posters,and photos of her with her family. Why,there is even some posters in the BATHROOM! At lunch,we sit at table 13 and 14. Our lunchtime is VERY late. I think we might even be the second to last in our school!!!!! If someone does not bring a lunch,they can buy one in the lunchroom (well,if they still have money in their lunch acount they can). In third grade,our homework is different too. Well,the math homework is the same,but we have our english homework in packets. First of all,we almost never had english homework through the past few years of learning at the school of Knapp! Through the day,we have small breaks.Our teacher reads to us ussauly. Right now,we are working on a book called Wonder. Our old pricipal went to another school because that school needed help from her. Our old pricipal's name was Mrs.Mann. This year,our pricipal's name is Mr.Muller(mo-ler). This is what I think about my school.
- Sep 23 Sun 2018 06:36
Our Trip to Japan.By,Sophie Cheng
This year,2018,at the time that we were about to leave and go back to America,me and my family went to Japan!When we got there,whithout even walking out the airport,we saw tons and tons of vending machines.Plus, we also saw sooooooooo many gacha capsule toy machines!Most of the toys were so cute or so creative.Once we got out of the airport,we took a ton of trains to our hotel.Not thinking that when we got there we would have to wait for 20 minutes just to get into our hotel room!
Cock-ka-do-da-do!We're going to Tokyo's kidzania today!In the morning,we go to eat breakfast downstairs.The food there was sooooo Japenese!When we got to the mall that kidzania was in,we still had to wait until 3:00.So in the meantime,we went to a toy store,ate a GREAT lunch,and. . . um. . .played at a indoor playground?When it was time to go into kidzania,we had to line up in little groups.The line moved soo slowly(to me,at least).When we finally got inside almost EVERYONE was going to food jobs.Me and Yasmine (that is my sister)went to the pizza store.My mom & dad kind of wanted us to make it at about 7:00-7:30,but insted we had to make it at 4:00-6:00.After that,I went to the bakery with Yasmine.We made breads by ourself!Then,I went to the science lab,soap factory,and courier service by myself.I think that I didn't like the science lab very much.
- Apr 16 Mon 2018 02:01
The White House
When my family went to Washinton D.C, me and my dad went to the White House.Mom didn't come because she wasn't a citezen and because she wasn't a citizen it was harder for her to get permission to go to the White House.Before I entered the White House I had to go through 3 saftey checks.Inside the White House there were frames of pictures. Every frame of pictures at least had one picture of Trump in it.I saw the library,vermeil room,and china room.There was a shelf of plates.The plates belonged to the presidents.One plate only belonged to the president itself.Then I went upstairs and saw the east room.When me and my dad went inside the east room I saw a piano.Then I entered the green,blue,and red room.Every room painted itself by it's own name.In the state dining room I noticed that the table legs were wooden bald eagles.Then we went into the map room and it was over.
- Mar 25 Sun 2018 07:59
Brain City
I made this book for my mom's birthday gift at first,but then I changed my mind.I decided to give her the second story of The Day The Kitchen Quits. I got the idea for Brain City from the forth page, the Friendship Puzzle Store.The place where I thought up was at school.One day,after lunch,I thought about how friendship was like a puzzle for my brain.Then I remenbered that I had so many ways to think how my brain works.So,I put it all together to make a book.Brain City was finished on 3-3-18.
- Mar 09 Fri 2018 08:10
Digestive railroad
Hello,I am Sophie Cheng.This is my first time sharing a book even though this isn't the first book I made.I made another book called:Brain City.I can't tell you right now because it's my mommy's birthday gift.I got the idea for Digestive Railroad from my last book,Brain City.To be more specific,I got the idea for the book from something in Brain City called the throw up subway and I got the idea for the throw up subway from Magic School Bus.I hope that you will like the story that is shown in the pictures.