Hello,my name is Sophie,and I live in Lansdale. We go to my cousin's every holiday to celebrate Christmas (though we sometimes also go in the summer). This year,when we went,we had to drive more then 3 and a half hours.When we got there, I got to meet my new cousin. Her name is Josephine,and she is 1 month old. At night,and I don't know how it got started,but we ended up playing "Chase Each Other Around The Kicthen". After dinner,my aunt cooked sesame rice balls for us to eat. They were SO YUMMY! Then we went to our hotel.


 Cocka-doo-doo-doo! It's morning! After breakfast,we went back to my cousin's house for the day. In the morning,we just played.Then,for lunch,we ate a fruit extravagantza(though we also had corn)!It was placed so beatifully! After lunch,my aunt had planed something fun for us. She had us sort coins by the penny,the nickel,the dime,and the quarters. Then,she had me line them up to make DOLLARS! She also had a book for me and George (that's one of my cousin's name)to collect quarters in. You know how some of the quarters have state pictures on the tail side? Well, that book is where you can keep them safe in. She also showed me how to put them into a plastic tube. But in the end I fogot how to do it so I lined them up while my aunt put them in the the tubes. After we finished all of the sorting,lining,and taping we were ready for a good dinner.For dinner we made sushi and had them get carried around the dinner table. Here is how it works:my aunt and my mom would make some sushi by putting some egg,tuna,and corn in seaweed that is saltened(I think)and put it on a plate. Then,we would put the plate on the electric train's car. Lastly,we would turn on the electric train and let it carry the sushi around the table. So when we were done with the coins,I helped set the table. Actully,I think it was more like set the railroad. I don't know why,but somehow I was extra hungry today. I guess it might be because of all the working. I mean,of course,all the sorting,lining,and taping. In the end,I got to make sushi for my mom and my aunt! Good night!


 Good morning! As usaul in this kind of time,we went to my cousin's house for the day.This day,''we didn't really do much exept for playing,playing,playing,playing,and playing.  Then,for dinner,we went back to our hotel. The hotel had a special that night,so my mom and dad decided that we could have our dinner there. There was some drinks like soda,juice,and wine. There was also some chicken,some salad,soup,a pastrie,bread,and chips. Oh,and I forgot to admit that before that we left my aunt's house I did leave a note and a pastrie. When we were done with dinner we played the games they had in the lobby. There was even a ball table in the middle! First,I played checkers with my sister while my mom and dad played with the ball table. Then,me and my sister played candyland while my mom and dad just watched and talked together. After that,my dad and I tried a wrestling toy that was like this:there were 2 controllers.1 person would controll a figure while the other person would cotroll the other. The players would hit and move to try to get the other player's figure fall over. If it does,then the player would lose.Anyway,finnaly,me,my mom,and my dad played a english crossword game. At first,only my dad was able to think of words with the letters he had. Then,at the last minute when we started cleaning up to go to our room,I was able to finish the crossword puzzle!!! When we got back to our room,we washed up,brushed our teeth,and hung our stockings up. It was finnaly christmas eve! Good night!


  Merry christmas!I woke up to find that santa had come! In my stocking,I first found that santa had gave me a Tshirt! Then,I found that santa had given me a checkerboard! Like the one I wanted on my letter! Today we didn't eat breakfast at the hotel because we said we would try to come earliar. When we got there,we went to the tree. There were SO MANY PRESENTS! I opened mine and helped pass out the others.  There were was also a lot of funny names like the one that said from:momsters and some things like that. My cousin riecieved a gift from santa that she liked so much she didn't want to open her other gifts! And george got a gun! I got a game that was named scrabble junior! It's played like this:there is star in the middle of the board. The 2 players make a crossword puzzle with the letters they have. A player should have 7 letters on his/her side. Anyway, we opened presents and presents. Then,when we were done with unwraping the presents,I had breakfast. Then we played with our new toys. After that,we watched some videos. After that we took family pictures with pretty dresses (and stuff like that). Then,we got ready to go to my cousin's grandma's house! When we got to my cousin's grandma's house,we went into a room. In the room,there were some snacks. I picked some potato chips and a kit-kat that my mom said came all the way from JAPAN!!! That kit-kat was SO good! We all thought that! We went back for third and fith helpings. We ate until they were all done. We also played games like candyland and toys like the car garage. Than it was time for dinner(I mean lunch,but they call it dinner). There was pasta,macaroni,salad,and bread with little hot dogs in them. After everyone was done we went to the christmas tree . Someone,(I don't know who it was)started passing out presents. Even my mom and dad had some ! We played some more. Then it was time to leave . It had been a good christmas. 



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