Hello, my name is Sophie Cheng, and today I'm going to tell you what I think about the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island, Bahamas.


Day 1:Today at about 3:00,my mom called me up to go to the airport. As my dad drove us to the Baltimore airport, I took a little doze on the car, so I have no clue about what happened on the way (probably nothing outstanding anyways). When we got there, we first checked in our luggage, and then we went through the security gate. However, because me and my sister wanted to go to the children's play area and the lounge, we went through the security gate for a different concourse. When we were done playing in the children's play area and eating  in the lounge, we went to the security gate that led us to our gate and boarded the plane. On the plane, we ate snacks, played games on my dad's phone (at least I did), wrote the stuff that we needed to write  (like my homework), read books, and looked out of the window. We stopped at Fort Lauderdale to get on another plane and eat lunch. For my lunch, I got a pepperoni pizza from a cafe Torn Basil. After we ate, we still had some time left over so we decided to go to the children's play area there since it was right next to the gate we were going to be boarding for Nassau. I must say it's a little boring, because there were only pretend clouds. Even though my mom says it's a work of art, I find it quite hard to agree with her. After that, we boarded our second plane flight. It was mostly the same as the first flight, except I had finished my homework and didn't have time to read books before our plane landed at the airport in Nassau. When we got off of the plane, we gave our passports to a lady to be checked and got our laggauge from the baggage claim. Then we went out of the Nassau airport, loaded into a taxi, rode for about thirty minutes, and finally got to our hotel-----ATLANTIS!!!!!!! After we got checked into our room (our room was in the Royal, which is in the middle between cheapest to most expensive), things went pretty smoothly. We read, wrote, and drew stuff. The only problem was what should we eat for dinner. The restaurants at Atlantis are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE, so we wern't quite sure of what we should eat for our supper. We ended up eating seafood for dinner. My dad had to walk out of the hotel, walk out of Paradise Island, go across the bridge, and come back to get dinner! Well, I hope that tommorrow will be a fun day!


Day 2:Today I woke up at about 8:00a.m. For breakfast, I had 2 croissants and a cup of apricot tea. Then, because the room wasn't very good in my dad's eyes, we switched our room. After we switched, my mom helped me and my dad change into our swimsuits, and my mom had just buyed a cute,  swimsuit right before we came to Atlantis. I must say, one of the whole reasons that people come to Atlantis is because of its amazing water features, playing or looking. They have so many pools, slides, and more! Anyway, I went with my dad on the rapid rivers and the serpent water slide. They were SO much fun! For lunch, I ate the kind of noodles that you can pour hot water in or microwave. My mom had bought and brought a lot of them along because of, well, the price of the food here which I have already told you about. After lunch, I just stayed in our hotel room for a while and hung out. Then I went out to play the water features again! This time, me and my mom went to the on the rapids and the surge in the power tower waterslides. They were just as fun. However, after we went on the surge, we had a little "greeting" with a problem. Before we went on the slide, we gave our shoes, towels, room key, and sweaters to my dad. When we got down the slides, we entered the rapids. But when we got to the exit that my dad was waiting, or had said he would wait for us, my mom was scared to get off the tube and drag me over to shore (since I have no idea how to swim). We missed the exit that we were supposed to get off the tube and rode all the way to the end of the rapids, but when me and my mom got back to the place that my dad was supposed to be waiting, he wasn't there! We finally did find my dad, but Atlantis is so enormous, it took us forever! We were thinking that going to the front desk and asking them to call my dad (because remember, the only things with us was our body, our  glasses, and our swimsuits) would be the next step when we found him. Because we didn't have shoes, my feet really, and I mean REALLY, hurt. For dinner, my dad decided to order a chinese food delivery (hey, I know we're chinese, but we're in the Bahamas!). I sure hope tommorrow will be as fun as today!


Day 3:Today I woke up at about 8:30. For breakfast, I still had 2 croissants and a cup of apricot tea. After breakfast, I hung out in the room for a while. After that, me and my dad changed our clothes to go play water again. We went on the rapids twice and the serpent slide once. For lunch, I had a pepperoni sandwhich and a tuna sandwich. Then me and my mom changed into our swimsuits to play water for the day's second time(to me, of course). We played on the rapids once and on the serpent slide four times(my mom sure loved the serpent slide, even though it was because I had no idea what to do anyways). Then we went back to our room, hung out, ate snack, watched the cruises leave the port in Nassau, and hung out some more. Tonight, I walked with my dad across the bridge that seperated Paradise Island(the island that Atlantis is on) to get our dinner at the seafood resturant he got our dinner at a few days ago. The bridge was really steep and when we were walking back, the wind was so strong at the top I felt like I would teeter over any minute and fall off the bridge into the ocean (or river,canal...I have no idea)! But it was some quite good excercise before dinner, considering how much I usually do! Once we got our dinner from the seafood restuarant my dad bought from, we walked back to the hotel. The rest was all the daily night schedules. Hope tommorow will be like today was!


Day 4:Today I woke up at about 9:00. For breakfast, I still ate 2 croissants and a cup of apricot tea. Then, me and my mom went to see the "ruins" of Atlantis, fish, and sharks. I liked it, except for the   part. For lunch, I had some noodles, a croissant, and some pepperoni. After lunch, me and my dad went to play water again. We went to the rapids, the waterslide called the Fall, and the serpent slide. Then, my dad took me to downtown Nassau. We walked around, went into souvineir shops to find a souvineir that I liked, sampled and buyed rum cake, ate ice-cream, and walked around some more. I decided to buy a little drum with a parrot and the word "Bahamas" on it. Then we got our chinese food dinner and took a ferry back. Well, tommorrow is our homeday!


Day 5:Today I woke up at about 8:30. I didn't want to eat breakfast, so I just drank my apricot tea. Then, I prepared my backpack because we were leaving today. After that, I called my grandparents. At about 10:45, we checked out and got on a taxi to the airport. At the airport, we checked our luggage, went through the customs and immagration check, and went to our gate. On the plane, I ate snacks and played on my dad's phone again. We stopped at Fort Lauderdale again to get on the flight to Baltimore. We had 2 hours till boarding. I acctually didn't eat a main lunch either, just some chips and the pretzels that they gave out on the plane(yum). When we were waiting for the flight to Baltimore to announce it's boarding, my little sister and I played games on the I-pads. on the second flight, I ate snacks and wrote in a journal. After we landed, we saw something really cool. A few gates next to us, there was a person dressed up. A few veterans from World War II, Korean War, or the Vietnam War were on that plane! Then, we got our luggage, hopped on a shuttle, rode to the parking lot, got our car, and drove back home. I defitnetly will keep this trip to Atlantis in my heart.


     So, how was that? As you can see, it was TONS  of fun. The water slides are exciting, the rapids are speedy, and there are lots of fish to see. If you had a large amount of money, and you want to have a vacation that is fun, exciting, and memorable, then I think Atlantis would be the place for you!Bye~


   We're angels! Just kidding, we are at the Fort Lauderdale




The lobby~of Atlantis.


Hey, look! Maybe that is Venus's shell!


Who is that brave explorer who is about to enter the ruins of 

Atlantis? Oh wait, that's just me.


You must obey me, fish. I am the god of the sea. Ha-ha!


The fish have obeyed me. Now you must too, stingrays. Ha-



The palace where all this has happened to me-Atlantis. 


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